From A to Zinc

Want to hear about one of my favorite nutrients that is especially amaZINC this time of year for you?!?!? See what I did there? 

Let’s change the way you think about Zinc for a second and dive into everything you need to know about this magical nutrient. If you feel like you have been hearing the word “zinc” thrown around a ton this time of year, you’re not crazy. It’s known for its effects with cold and flu season but there are so many other common misconceptions and even benefits that so many people are not aware of when it comes to Zinc. 

For starters I want to share with you some of my favorite benefits that zinc is great for!

  • Proper immune function

  • Skin health and hair growth (yes please!)

  • Metabolism of food and absorption of other nutrients (make the foods you eat work harder for you)

  • Hormone Balance

  • Gut health

  • Mental clarity

  • Wound healing

  • Eye Health

  • Proper cell division (one of the reasons it is vital during pregnancy)

  • Even adequate taste and smell

We don’t need large amounts of zinc every day but it is super important that we are getting into our diet and consuming enough. Zinc, like magnesium, is one of those master minerals. It's not stored for long lengths of time in our body so we need a consistent supply of quality zinc.

So, let’s hold up a second. You may be reading all of this and thinking “this is great and all. I love the benefits and I understand that Zinc is important but how do I know if I need to be implementing more or any zinc into my diet. Although symptoms can vary, these are often signs related to zinc deficiency:

  • Poor memory

  • Weakened immune system or constant minor illnesses like colds

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • Sleep problems (zinc is needed to make melatonin)

  • Hair loss

  • Loss of appetite

  • Low libido

  • Diarrhea

  • Brain fog

  • Slow wound healing

  • White spots on fingernails 

Ok, So now we’ve broken down all the benefits of a healthy diet of the nutrient Zinc and we’ve covered signs you could be seeing and experiencing if you are low in Zinc. Now before you run to the store or pull up your Amazon account to order Zinc it is so important you keep reading! Not all Zinc is created equal and while yes it’s important to consume the right amounts. The National Academy of Sciences sets an RDA of at least 8 mg/day and a maximum of 40 mg/day from all sources for women over 18. 

I want to make an important note that not all the time is a supplement to the answer. My belief is to when at all possible get as much as you can from your diet in the foods you eat. From there adding in a supplement is the perfect remedy. Sneak it in smoothies or take a pill form. Orthomolecular zinc is a great brand I carry in office and comes highly recommended by medical professionals and very well priced. I am ok if you put in the amount (contact me for client exclusive pricing). 

Why go with the Orthomolecular brand and not grab one off the shelf at the grocery store?? Reacted Zinc is formulated with the superior amino acid chelate form, zinc glycinate, which does not ionize in the gut and therefore is not impacted by dietary factors and is absorbed at a higher rate than those formulated with zinc salt forms.

Comparison studies have shown significantly superior absorption of mineral chelates compared to other mineral forms.

  • Chelated zinc is 230% better absorbed than zinc sulfate

  • Chelated zinc is 390% better absorbed than zinc oxide

  • Chelated Zinc offers greater protection from interfering dietary factors

Big takeaway: It matters what form of zinc you consume otherwise you are most likely going to waste your money, not absorb it and pee it out. 

It is important NOT TO  supplement with zinc without checking with a health practitioner, as consuming too much can lead to reduced iron and copper levels in the body and in severe cases even vomiting and GI issues. Because you can over consume zinc and it can affect and create other types of deficiencies I don’t think this is something you need to always be taking. Listen to your body! Pay attention to what foods you are craving as well. Oftentimes our bodies recognize what we need before our minds do or we see the signs. 

In cases of cold and flu which is probably the reason you are hearing this nutrient and supplement tossed around in conversations so much being the height of the season, Zinc is considered a remedy and is often recommended to shorten the duration of illness. If you are sick, you will find it super helpful. But ideally shoot for eating foods that are high in zinc and get your nutrients through food! Nature's own remedy.


  • Veal liver– about 10 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Pumpkin Seeds– About 9 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Tahini– about 9 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Dark Chocolate– 8-9 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Crab– 6.5 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Lobster– 3.4 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Pork– 2.9 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Beans– 2.9 milligrams per 3 ounces

  • Dark meat - Chicken– 2.4 milligrams per 3 ounces

Fruits and Veggies:  High zinc fruits include avocados, blackberries, pomegranates, raspberries, guavas, cantaloupes, apricots, peaches, kiwifruit, and blueberries.mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, kale, and garlic contain zinc, as well as other vital vitamins and minerals

Listen, I get it. Trying to keep up on all the supplements, vitamins and nutrients can be overwhelming and exhausting. Heck, some days if I get all of my water intake in I chalk that up as a win. There is so much information out there and it can often become debilitating. But that’s what I am here for! Whether I am your care provider or you live across the country, talk to the health professional in your life that you know, like and trust. Ask the questions! This is our passion and our livelihood and we do this to help serve others and create healthy communities. No questions are off the table and we are here to help! 

Got a question about zinc? Email me at or find me on social and drop in my dm’s