After Becoming A Mom, Everything Changed
Ok, I know that sounds dramatic but hear me out for a second. I’ve never been much of a "girlie girl." To say I really always embraced my masculine side would be a little bit of an understatement. From being super athletic and being raised living, eating and breathing athletics and ranch life. Embracing my feminine side was never really my strong point. But I am here to tell you that the most athletic event I’ve ever done in my life was giving birth. It was at that very moment in that final push that I realized just how powerful the female body is and that being a female and embracing my feminine side is hands down the most powerful thing as a woman I have ever felt.
To all my mama's, soon to be mama's and those looking to hopefully be a mama, if you take one thing from this entire blog it’s that every aspect of mother hood and the preparation for it should happen long before your little one is even here and taking care of you should happen long after they arrive.
I was once pregnant so I feel like this gives me an open mic to share my experience and opinions with you. We could go into both the mental and physical aspects of the journey and I could go for days.
I get questions all the time like:
*why am I not sleeping?
*why do I feel depressed?
* why do I have anxiety?
* what does Hormonal imbalance mean and do I have it?
I never knew how strong women were until I had a child of my own. I didn't grow up with a lot of interaction with with kids so the moment I got pregnant I was super nervous if motherhood was for me. Would I be maternal? Would I even know what to do?
I'm here to tell you that YES, the mother instinct turns on and your body and mind embrace this "feminine side." For so long I focused on my masculine side (because I was taught that it's what brings us success and represents hard work and entrepreneurship.) But I am here to say that we as women we need to focus on our feminine side even more and use it to our advantage.
Ok, let's dive into the mama stuff now. You can't tell someone what they are going to go through with laboring and birth because 1. anything can happen 2. everyones experience is so different and special.
Through your whole pregnancy you are changing. Your center of gravity is changing dramatically, you’re losing your core (which is pretty obvious) and your actually losing muscle in your glutes. Then, you have a baby and you're like, "Holy crap, I just had a baby and now all my organs are shifting back, moving around."
Crazy things are going on with your whole body and you’re literally like "what is happening to me?" Listen, not all births are created equal. SOME women are completely fine and some are not. So don't let any of this scare you or detour you from anything. It's all a beautiful process.
For me personally I didn't understand to that having a baby was so extremely different for your body and I didn't get how everything was changing. I could go in detail of what all happened with my first but…well hell, we're all friends here. I had a 2nd degree tear, stitches, the works. As if I didn’t learn my lesson from all of that I made the decision to go out 3 weeks later to help my husband plant trees for a few hours ( I know I know ) and I came back in and instantly regretted that and suffered with prolapse and all the words you don't want to hear for a while. Ive been there. Not all bodies bounce back the same either. Give yourself some grace mama.
Some women don't have these struggles but I did and thats why you're probably still readying at this point. I will say the second time around was much easier but that was because I simply got more chiropractic care (crazy right) and I knew what to expect before, during and even after the whole process. Im not saying the second child is easier by any means but my mentality and what to expect was most definitely easier.
Becoming a mother helped me really adjust (no pun intended) to just how important these adjustments in the office are and how truly taking care of our bodies from the inside out can make such a difference. It's all about being prepared.
I truly believe everything happens for a reason. My pregnancy experience not only opened my eyes to how strong the female body is but also how much control we can have over our health and wellness to help make these amazing life experience that much better. Having a better understanding of our bodies and how they work puts us in a position of having more control of the direction of our health. AND THAT IS POWERFUL STUFF! THAT IS EMBRACING YOUR FEMININE SIDE.
So to all my soon to be, already and future mama’s….YOU GOT THIS!