So it's your first time to the chiropractor...

Oh hey, So you're new here. First time to the Chiro? This one is for you!

It can be intimidating, scary and down right nerve wracking walking into a situation that you don't feel like you have all the answers to. I get it. There are certain things I find myself getting worked up about as well. There's no difference between you and I so I can tell you with 100% confidence the reason you're feeling that way about heading to a chiropractor for the first time is because of the unknown.

Listen, you don't know what you don't know. That’s cowboy slang for there are somethings that you don't know and the reason you're unsure, feel unsafe, unprepared or unsure is because of the UNKNOWN AND THAT IS OK!!! You're not supposed to know it all or have all the answers and thankfully, thats why you have me.

I see so many people talk themselves out of coming in and getting "treated" -(that's Chiro slang for coming in for an appointment) because there sister's cousin twice removed from the other side had a bad experience and now the whole family has warded off chiropractors. I've heard all the stories and all I can say is "I'm sorry for your experience but I'm here to help."

So, what can you expect from your first appointment?

1. Be ready to talk - we're friends here. Im going to ask you all the questions and really try and narrow down the root of why you came to me in the first place. Maybe nothing is even wrong with you but you want to explore how having someone like me in your health regimen can do things like: increase your sports performance, help with fertility and family planning, avoid injury or illness. You guys the list goes on. Come with a positive attitude and an open mind. Oh and maybe a coffee too - treat yourself.

2. Be ready to move - After all the fun of getting to know one another, I need to see you in action. I want to watch how your body moves so that I can best figure out what exactly your body needs. Dry needling, adjustments, cupping and so much more. Think of me as your health and wellness mixologist. I don’t like to utilize just one way of treatment. I like to mix and shake and concoct different treatments to give you the best experience and results.

3. Get ready for some homework - Listen, it can be fun and games all the time. Good news, this is the kind of homework you want! After our session I’m going to send you home with some exercises and movements that I’ll want you to do in your free time. This insures that your body stays in tip-top shape till I see you again. Im here to help you, sending you out the door with practical and tactical tools you can implement immediately into your everyday lifestyle is my duty as a chiropractor.

Yup, thats it. Not scary at all right? Come with the willingness to better yourself and in the words of Nirvana, Come as you are.