The Dr. Kelli Difference

Hey There, Dr.Kelli here!

I’m dropping in to you on this fine day to chat one on one with you about something we all have been thinking but know one is really just going to come out and talk about.  Come on, you know what I’m talking about. You’ve thought about it at least a time or two but maybe have kept yourself from asking those dying questions. You’ve maybe even been a little skeptic about a few things or possibly had a couple opinions as well. So listen, we're all friends here and I just decided that rather than dip our toes into the water with this new blog, why not really give you what you want. 

I've been in this industry long enough to know and be able to confidently tell you that not all chiropractors are created equal. I know, hold the gasp. Since the beginning of my time as a Chiropractor I have constantly been up against so many common misconceptions about being in this industry. At first it was a little disheartening, frustrating and annoying (if i'm being honest). Things like:

  • I’m a Witch doctor and what I do is taboo and dangerous (snake oil as my dad used to call it ;)  

  • I'm not a “real doctor”

  • What you do is too expensive

  • I heard that It hurts when you get adjusted

  • Once you start going to a chiro you’ll never stop

  • Chiro’s only treat neck and back pain

The list goes on and on and I'm no stranger to any of these hesitations, you're not the first person to have these and you're not going to be the last either. Needless to say I’ve become pretty comfortable debunking these myths and answering your questions. So comfortable that I started to realize that what makes me so different actually has become my very own super power. 

I'm not a regular chiropractor and I 100% stand by that. I'm not saying I'm “special” by any means, but I will say that I bring something to the table that I believe makes me stand out among so many others. This has allowed me to walk with confidence in any situation and I truly believe my patients are some of the best! 

With all this being said I would love to introduce you to…. Drum roll please….


A new little series where I will be sharing and showcasing common misconceptions, myths, facts and also what makes my practice and what I do just a little bit different.

Listen, I know I can’t help serve every client in the world when it comes to your health and wellness but if you don’t have the opportunity to come see me I hope this series gives you better knowledge to help find the best chiropractor FOR YOU! I hope you leave these segments feeling educated and in control of your options.

By educating this community we can elevate the expectations of this industry and make it better for all! 

I would love to hear from you too! If you have any myths and questions you would like answered email me at: